You cannot currently change the font or size of note text directly from within the Sticky. You can visit the site or the page where the note was taken. You will be able to see a screenshot of the last momement that youve edited a note. List of notes: View all your previous saved notes.
When Sticky Notes is open, right-click its icon in the taskbar, and then click Pin to taskbar. Note design: Background color, tect color, font type and size. In this tutorial, we can change the font in sticky notes by using simple Registry Tweak, of course we can the copy and paste in stickies with different font taken from other word processing application, but this one looks ok for that time and also that is not stable whenever you open a new note is goes to the default Segoe. But you can pin Sticky Notes to the Windows taskbar to see your list of notes instantly or to create a new note quickly. Sticky Notes comes handy for so many users who use stickies daily, but one thing is gonna bother them that is the same old look font name “Segoe Print True Type Font” which is looks a little bit of annoying for daily users.